Thursday, August 30, 2007


Hola from Central America!

I'm writing from Panama City on a very confusing keyboard. I apologize now for any and all spelling errors.

I've been in Panama for four days now and I have to admit, I'm a little bit in love. It plays on both my love of nature and my love of big cities. Oh, and its thisclose to Colombia. The problem? I'm a tourist. I'm alwys a tourist. But Bitty, you say, you know that you are a tourist right? And yes, yes I know that. My problem is that I look like a bandana and backpack clad gleaming white tourist. Add a fanny pack and a smear of zinc oxide to my nose and I will be my own worst nightmare. I wish there was a way to seamlessly glide through foreign cities without anyone noticing (for better or for worse). I feel like such a spectacle walking through the streets. It's difficult to passively observe people when they are all waving to you. (Don't get me wrong though Panama, I love how friendly you are). The othe advantage of invisibility is that it would open up whole regions of the world that I wouldn't otherwise have a chance to see, which naturally are always the most tempting. ("The Darien province is absolutely beautiful and pristine, but you must never, ever go there") In any case, I am loving it here in my big old conspicious Canadian way.


At 9:23 AM , Blogger Brown said...

Oh, Panama. How I miss you so. Beautiful Isn't it? Awesome food, gorgeous sites, wonderfully nice people, where time just melts away . . . . . Eat as much as you can Bitty. They have the most delicious Mangoes Pineapples, and Papaya on the planet. Try some empanadas (stuffed pastry) and carimanolas (meat stuffed fried yucca), and for god sakes, have a raspado (snow cone). They only cost a quarter.

At 12:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are enjoying it, and still bitter that I had to stay behind. I thumb my nose at you bitty.



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