Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dehydration Nation

Holy hiatus Batman!

My life has been a whirlwind of flying, safety demonstrations, waking up at ungodly hours, packing, unpacking, repacking and thinking about packing. Although I can't remember where my house is or what non-polyester flame retardant pants feel like and I no longer know what city I'm in or where I'm going to end up at night, I am getting a lot of hours in at work.

That my friends, is my (lame) excuse for the lack of posts. More posts will follow but for now, here is another heartwarming story of thinly veiled racism in the workplace.

Sue and I were doing drink service in the cabin. She was pouring the drinks and I was handing them to the guest (my job is very difficult you see. It often requires the efforts of two individuals highly trained in the art of ice scooping and Diet Pepsi defrothing) I noticed that every so often, Sue would only fill the glasses half full. After she did it for a third time I asked her why she wasn't filling them up all the way.

"Because the Asians won't drink a full glass"

"They won't drink a full glass of apple juice?"

"No. So I only fill them up half way"

"Um, well I find that a little presumptuous, would you mind just filling up ALL the glasses up ALL the way?"

First, "The Asians" I just can't get enough of that gem. Secondly, What?? What is the deal with these closeted sino-phobes masquerading as flight attendants? Although on second thought, who am I to judge when she clearly has such a sound argument?


At 10:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll watch for that idosyncracy on my next flight - which, by the way, is on Sat. at 5:15. Will you be our maid, oh sorry - I mean flight attendant?!?!

At 7:48 AM , Blogger Brown said...

Shhhh...don't repeat this, but I hear blacks won't eat the crackers.


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