The Car Thieves Strike....Again
Unless you want to be hit by a meteor or struck by lightning you should probably not stand near KT. However feel free to park your car near hers though as inevitably her car will be stolen and yours will remain unharmed. Or so I learned...again.
Ol' Smokey and Kt's crime spree car sat side by side outside the house on Tuesday night. Hers was immaculately clean and without a single personal item left inside. The doors were locked and her club was on. Mine sat in front of hers, textbooks strewn in the back seat, trunk filled with winter jackets and other survival gear, dashboard adorned with a satellite radio AND an Ipod adapter, and no less than two Starbucks mugs in the front seat. The doors presumably were locked but the club was definitely off (and sitting on the passenger seat). And her car was stolen...again...
If your not keeping count that is one break-in and two thefts in just over six months.
I have come up with two theories to explain this unfortunate phenomenon.
1) Kt's car is incredibly easy to steal and very good for smoking crack in.
2) Car thieves really hate Kt. (Seriously, what did you do to Calgary's hardened criminals? Man, do they ever have it out for you).
Maybe it's a combination of both. We will never know. For now let us offer Kt our condolences on the sudden loss of her car...again.
Poor Kt, and she had just got the crack pipe smell out of the seats.
First of all, Bitty....crack head losers who steal Neons = not hardened criminals (actually, that may have been your tongue-in-check description of the perps, which I just caught now.) Second....KT, my dear cous....DITCH THE RIDE!! The automotive gods are obviously trying to tell you something. Take the insurance money (not the car, when they get it back) and run. At auction this weekend is a 1986 Delorean. Less tempting to strung-out losers, and capable of time travel (apparently). Michael J. Fox not included.
But seriously...I'm sorry KT. I hope it works out.
Believe it or not, crack heads do have a code of ethics, albeit a loose one.
Do what I do and leave a crack pipe on your front seat. They usually don't mess with their own.
Now, although my car is most certainly cursed... i do love that car! (By the way, he likes to be called by his proper name - Rafiki)
I was secretly hoping that it wouldn't come back this time just so that I wouldn't have to make the decision to get rid of it myself. (oh and also so that I didn't have to try and pawn it off on some poor unsuspecting soul, i mean... sell it). But no... the police found good old Rafiki last night about 5 mins from my house. Apparently they ditched my car and stole another one. I can't say I blame them! If I went to all the trouble to steal my car I would be pretty disappointed when I found out that it has no AC, no interior light, the trunk doesn't open, etc, etc, etc.
So now I'm left with a slightly traumatized Rafiki, who will be outfitted with his third steering column to date. Maybe he will find the new and improved crack pipe smell comforting...
And on a completely unrelated note... anyone looking to buy a car????
Kt :D
How did they get the club off...I ask because it is my sole defence against the hoodlums in my area!
TH - If Kt buys the Delorean she can go back in time and apprehend the car thieves. But then she wouldn't need buy the delorean, but then her car would still be stolen so she would buy the Delorean...I'll get back to you on this.
mr. poopie - Any combination of these things left on the front seat would probably deter crime: crack pipes, hand grenades, Hell's Angels jacket, anthrax, a severed lamb head, NRA lifetime membership card and prescription for Paxil.
Kt - You stay away from my car
Jenne - Apparenly the club aids in the theft of some cars. I'm sure that's not the case for yours though...
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