Tenzin Delek Rinpoche

Since I am a Tibetan, I have always been sincere and devoted to the interests and well-being of Tibetan people. That is the real reason why the Chinese do not like me and framed me. That is why they are going to take my precious life even though I am innocent.” –Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, in a statement smuggled out of prison that was published on Radio Free Asia Jan 21, 2003
In April 2002, the Chinese authorities in Lithang, eastern Tibet, arrested Tenzin Delek Rinpoche and his distant relative Lobsang Dhondup, a former monk. Both were accused of involvement in bombings and explosions. On December 2nd, 2002, Lobsang Dhondup was sentenced to immediate death, and Tenzin Delek Rinpoche was sentenced to death with a suspension of two years.
The Chinese government did not present credible evidence against Tenzin Delek Rinpoche or any of the Tibetans detained. They were denied access to independent lawyers and did not have a fair trial. Because of massive international outcry about the case, the Chinese authorities assured international governments that Tenzin Delek Rinpoche and Lobsang Dhondup would receive a thorough retrial in China’s Supreme Court. However on January 26, 2003, after a secret retrial in the Provincial Court, Lobsang Dhondup was executed, in the first known execution of a Tibetan for political crimes in 20 years, and Tenzin Delek Rinpoche’s 2-year suspended death sentence was upheld.
The Chinese government has responded to the unprecedented worldwide pressure to stop Tenzin Delek's execution by commuting his sentence to life in prison. One man imprisoned in connection with Tenzin Delek's case was released in January 2005 in terrible physical condition, the result of torture in prison. There are grave concerns for the health of Tenzin Delek and Lobsang Taphel, another man imprisoned in connection with the case, and both remain political prisoners.
Please, please, please watch this short movie about Tenzin. It's different that the one posted above (seriously it's less than a minute and its awesome!)
Very interesting. You have brought a whole new insight into Tibet and its struggles over the last couple years. Its great to see that all your hard work is actually putting preasure on a government that even the US and UN can't seem to influence. I am proud of you EB. Keep up the fight :) I will put his face up at work for yah. maybe there are some crazy political extremist types there as well :)
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