Ballad of a Broken Car

Today Ol' Smokey fell off the wagon. I don't know why a Jeep would be on a wagon in the first place, but then there are many things that I don't understand about cars.
Things were so good between Ol' Smokey and myself. He quit smoking, I quit worrying about him exploding. I really thought that the combination of nicotine patches, hypnosis and prayer had helped him to quit. It's been months since he last smoked.
We've really bonded over the last little while too. I bought him new floor mats and a vanilla air freshener. We were talking about an oil change and maybe even replacing his windshield. Together we went many places and had many adventures. (Okay 'many places' is a bit of a stretch, I pretty much just drive to school and the airport)
However, the good times were not to last. Today in the Chapters parking lot I smelled that old familiar smell. The sickly sweet smell of burnt oil and a broken heart. I should have known that the steering wheel pulling to the right was a sign of worse things to come. That and the fact that we had never actually figured out why Ol' Smokey had quit smoking, only that he had stopped. I guess I just didn't want to believe that he wasn't really cured.
Now I have to endure torturous conversations about brake pads, calipers and other such nonsense. What did it smell like? What were you doing when it happened? And so on... Nonsense.
My Dad has suggested that perhaps Ol' Smokeys brake caliper was seizing, which would explain the veering off to the right and the smell. At least that's what I think he said, I stopped paying attention after he mentioned brakes. Boring! Katie diagnosed this condition as epilepsy. I wonder if they make medic alert bracelets for cars...
In any case I now have to fork out money for some type of brake housing something-or-rather. While I wish I didn't have to do this, I will. I'll do it because I love Ol' Smokey and I really believe that one day he will be smoke-free.
On behalf of Ol'Smokey I would like to thank you for your words of encouragement and helpful suggestions. I will keep you posted as we embark on his road to recovery.
I hate to rain on the optimism parade, but I have noticed that cars don't kick their habits, they just replace them with other habits. For example, my car has quit smoking and chugging in the past few months, but has now taken to stripping in public (i.e. I opened my window to get into a parkade and it wouldn't roll back up). Why don't they make days with 30 hrs so I could find some time to hit the dealership?!?
Maybe its an identity crisis since "He" is actually a She...I drove HER for 5 years. never a problem, treat her like a lady. take her out to dinner. she likes old Mcdonalds burgers best. Chicken if you can afford it. Something nice to wear puts a smile on her face. Hockey gear was her favorite. Treat her like any women keep her fed and dressed to the nines. :) keep in mind sometimes you just can't win and have to weather the storm.
Don't you listen to him Britt, you are so good to that car.
He is sooo clean and spiritually enlightened, thanks to the LED buddha...oh and he is politically enlightened (Save Darfur!)
All that caring, about politcal and spirtiual issues has caused Ol' Smokey to burn out...literally
Haha you guys are too funny. Those are the greatest comments anyone has ever posted about anything!
Kiki - I don't think our cars should ever meet it sounds like your car might lead ol' smokey to harder things. Like prostitution.
Ber - HE resents the fact that his seats still smell like hockey gear. No one, I repeat no one, wants to be exposed to the smell of hockey gear baking in the sun. Oh the humanity...
Jenne - Perhaps if I had my lucky LED buddha plugged in I could have avoided this whole ordeal. I probably would have crashed though as the blue LED light burns my retinas :)
Thanks for the comments guys!
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