A Strange Fellow
As with any job that requires working with the public, you encouter some strange people. To be honest, strange doesn't begin to describe some of the people I have encountered at work. Paranoid maniacs with sociopathic tendancies and unreasonably high expections is a wee bit more accurate in my opinion. However most are harmless, just unexplainably...odd.
After landing in Halifax I was saying good-bye to the passengers in the typical flight attendant way.
"Thank you, Buh-bye now, Thank you"
I didn't notice the young man standing across from me until he handed me a folded piece of paper.
I didn't think anything of it and walked back towards my crew. In hindsight, I should have opened up the mysterious paper in solitude, so as to avoid the prying eyes of my fellow crew member, but alas, I did not.
On the paper was a drawing of a girl. Me. With a little note at the bottom reading "I hope I wasn't creeping you out by drawing you - if I did, sorry and thank you."
What is the proper reaction once one finds out that a stranger has spent the last hour and a half drawing them? My reaction was to turn red, very red.
I still don't know what the intentions of the young man were. Honestly, best case scenario, what did he think would happen? Was he just suddenly struck with an uncontrollable urge to draw and it happened that I was the only object in his view. I hoping that is the case. We'll never know.
Although I was mercilessly harressed by my crew for the next 3 days, I did come out of it with a great story and funny little drawing.

What is his name and Social Insurance Number!!!
ok, thats somehow sweet...but creepy.....
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