
Alas, I could only avoid posting about politics for so long. My apologies.
"Hamas has accused Fatah of accepting US aid in part of a US effort to topple the Hamas-led government."
My dearest American friends,
I understand that you are feeling uneasy with a (democratically elected) terrorist group holding power in Palestine. Newsflashes of Palestinians taking to the streets chanting "death to America" probably make you shift uncomfortably in your seat.
Obviously one solution to this problem would be to arm Fatah, in the hopes that they will take down Hamas and save you from having to get your hands dirty. However, I would hate to see you fall back into the same pattern of behavior which has caused (and continues to cause) you so much trouble.
Basing your foreign policy under the premise of "my enemies enemies are my friends" in theory sounds like a very good strategy for ensuring the continued existence of your country. But if memory serves me correctly you have tried this tactic many times before. While in most cases it has done what was intended (see Afghanistan's Mujahideen) it has also had some undesirable consequences (see Afghanistan's Taliban).
Arming a group of uneducated, angry rebels works wonders when you both hate the same people. But by doing so you also run the risk that at some point they may hate someone else... Namely you. It is infinitely easier to arm rebels then, as you have learned, to disarm them. Particularly when they are shooting at you.
Now I may be going to far here, but perhaps the reason why so many people rejoice in burning your flag is because of your inability to keep your politics (and guns) out of their countries.
I know that it may not be as flashy or memorable, but perhaps give diplomacy a try. Or send an e-card. All I ask is that you try to have a little more foresight this go-round. I would hate for more American's to be shot by their own guns. Cheney has that covered.
From your friend who almost failed social 30--- it sounds as though you know what you are talking about and I support you man!
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